MFR Health Blog

Welcome to our new blog series dedicated to Myofascial Release therapy and its impact on your well-being. Throughout this series, we’ll address various health and wellness topics, all connected to the principles and benefits of Myofascial Release. Learn how this therapy alleviates pain, reduces stress, and enhances your overall well-being.

Join us as we journey into the realms of fascia, exploring its structure, its role in health, and the impact on your day-to-day life. Discover self-care techniques, including stress reduction, hydration, gut health, and pain management, that complement Myofascial Release therapy. This blog series will deepen your understanding and empower you to improve your health and well-being.

Dr. John F. Barnes
MFR Health Blog

Welcome to our new blog series dedicated to Myofascial Release therapy and its impact on your well-being. Throughout this series, we’ll address various health and wellness topics, all connected to the principles and benefits of Myofascial Release. Learn how this therapy alleviates pain, reduces stress, and enhances your overall well-being.

Join us as we journey into the realms of fascia, exploring its structure, its role in health, and the impact on your day-to-day life. Discover self-care techniques, including stress reduction, hydration, gut health, and pain management, that complement Myofascial Release therapy. This blog series will deepen your understanding and empower you to improve your health and well-being.

MFR Health Blog

How Fascia Impacts the Health of Your Vagus Nerve

How Fascia Impacts the Health of Your Vagus Nerve

ConnectionsThe human body has connections between all its systems. Our skin, muscles, organs, nerves, and brain constantly communicate and influence each other. One of the most fascinating connections in the human body is the relationship between fascia and the vagus...

This site was developed by Dr. Mark Barnes to help people find the best MFR therapist for their unique needs. We provide an easy way to search for MFR trained therapists, free of cost, and without the frustration of popups and advertisements.

This site lists only therapists trained on the John F. Barnes technique, giving you, the patient, assurance that you are being treated by the best set of therapists who continually maintain their education in Myofascial Release.

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2516 Broadway Suite 100, Boulder, CO 80304